Postdoc Travel Awards

Request for Funding Proposals for UNM Postdoctoral Travel Awards, Spring 2025


UNM's dynamic population of postdoctoral researchers are integral contributors to our reputation for research excellence. The UNM Office of the Vice President for Research and Office of the Provost are pleased to announce Postdoctoral Travel Awards to reduce barriers to the dissemination of research at national or international conferences. Up to five awardees will be selected per cycle based on: (a) how participation in the conference will contribute to the applicant's professional development; and (b) need with respect to prior opportunities to attend conferences or alternative sources of travel funds. Preference will be given to applicants presenting research conducted while holding a position at UNM. This is not to be used for travel to support research activities (e.g., off campus field study, archive access).


Up to $1,500 per award for costs associated with one conference:

  1. Travel
    1. air, train, or boat fare and
    2. ground transportation between airport and hotel or airport and residence by taxi, Uber, or Lyft or
    3. mileage reimbursement at the federal rate on the date your application is accepted as defined by for privately owned automobiles and
    4. parking fees (excluding parking citations)
  2. Lodging
  3. Per diem based on rates at the time of acceptance as defined by or for international conferences
  4. Conference registration fees. This may include the cost of an annual membership to the applicable professional organization, provided this is associated with discounted registration.

All use of funds must comply with UNM policy. Funds will be provided as a reimbursement to awardee upon provision of receipts/invoices/statements showing amount due and amount paid. Documentation must be provided to OVPR within 60 days of the first day of travel. If awardee is not able to provide payment upfront, bookings/registration can be made by OVPR with advance notice.

Open Date: November 11, 2024

Deadline for Submissions: December 2, 2024

Notification Date: December 18, 2024



  1. UNM affiliated postdocs working at least 0.5 FTE are eligible, including those from main, branch, and health sciences campuses. You must be eligible under this criterion at the time of application and at the time that the conference will occur. This includes
    1. Individuals classified as research postdoctoral fellows by the Office of Academic Personnel (FHB B2.3.12)
    2. Individuals paid by external postdoctoral research fellowships, provided that UNM is the primary affiliation, and the fellowship does not include a travel allowance (or awardee provides an explanation as to why that allowance is insufficient is provided)
  2. Funds must be used to support travel to present research (via oral or poster presentation) at a major national or international research conference
    1. The conference must occur between 1/1/25 and 6/30/25.
    2. Applicant must have submitted an abstract by the time of application; funding will be contingent upon proof of acceptance.
    3. Applicant may not have been awarded any other travel award for the conference specified in this application and no costs for which applicant has already received any type of funding will be reimbursed.
    4. Applicant may not have been awarded a travel award from this program within the past year (i.e. can only receive one award per full year or every other six month funding cycle). Note: preference will be given to candidates who have not previously received an award.

Application Materials:

All materials must be submitted by the deadline, with the exception of the Abstract Acceptance Communication.

  1. Application: link here
  2. Curriculum vitae. Use the naming convention surname_Sp2025_PDTA and send as an attachment to
  3. Budget: Breakdown of costs including category, dollar amount, and justification for dollar amount (e.g. link to website with rates for hotel or airfare on your dates of travel). Use the format in the example provided below. Use the naming convention surname_Sp2025_PDTA and send as an attachment to raqthomas@unm.ed
  4. Letter of support from mentor explaining the importance of attending the conference and why they are not providing funding to cover the conference expenses. Use the naming convention applicant's surname_Sp2025_PDTA and send as an attachment to
  5. Correspondence from conference organizers indicating acceptance of abstract (required before award funds will be released). Forward to



Reporting Requirements:

Awardee must provide a 10-15 minute presentation at the annual NM Postdoc Research Symposium (NMPRS). In the event that the awardee is not able to present at the NMPRS, they must make arrangements to present at another PDA-associated event. The presentation will include a summary of the research shared by the awardee at the conference and what the awardee gained from going to the conference, e.g., feedback, insights, connections, and/or knowledge gained.


Example Budget:

Item Cost

Cost Each


Total Cost

Source for Cost




$xxx search for actual 2024 conference dates (6/16/23)





Conference Rate at Hyatt Regency





Per Diem




U.S. General Services Administration (, accessed 6/16/23)

Transportation - hotel to airport










open date

submission deadline


for conferences occurring

Spring 2025




1/1/25 - 6/30/25

Fall 2025




7/1/25 - 12/31/25

Spring 202610/13/202511/7/202511/28/20251/1/26 - 6/30/26
Fall 20264/17/20265/16/20266/6/20267/1/26 - 12/31/26